33 New EDS memes every EDSer Can relate to Laughter

33 New EDS memes every EDSer Can relate to: Laughter

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Are you an EDS warrior looking for some relatable humor? Look no further! Check out our latest post filled with 33 hilarious 33 New EDS memes that will have you laughing and nodding in agreement. Get ready to see your EDS experiences come to life in meme form!

Do You Know What EDS is? Over a black and white striped cat

New EDS memes
Do You Know What EDS is?

What is Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS)?

Well, let me tell you about this exclusive club that only the coolest people are part of. It’s called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, or EDS for short. It’s basically like having superpowers, but instead of being able to fly or shoot laser beams out of your eyes, you can just dislocate your joints and cause yourself excruciating pain with the slightest movement.

May is EDS & Mental Health Awareness Month!

EDS is like being a human Gumby, except instead of just being stretchy and flexible, your ligaments are so loose that they can’t hold your bones in place properly. So, you get to experience the joys of subluxations and dislocations on the daily. It’s like a fun game of ‘guess which joint will pop out next?’

When your friends and family finally understand the severity of EDS by black and white striped cat with mough open and smiling
When your friends and family finally understand the severity of EDS

And let’s not forget the other perks of EDS, like being told that you look fine when you’re in agony, or having to explain your condition to every new doctor you see because they’ve never heard of it. Oh, and let’s not forget the endless stream of unsolicited advice from people who think they know how to cure you with a magic supplement or exercise routine.

When You Have to Cancel Plans Because of an EDS Flare-Up by a white  cat with hair everywhere
When You Have to Cancel Plans Because of an EDS Flare-Up

But hey, at least with EDS, you never have to worry about being bored. There’s always a new symptom or complication to keep things interesting. So, if you’re looking for a challenge in life and love surprises, EDS might just be the condition for you!

May is EDS & Mental Health Awareness Month!

So what is better than combining EDS and mental health awareness with some EDS memes that will make you laugh and boost your mental health?

Living with EDS can be tough on your mental health, whether it’s dealing with the constant pain and fatigue or the frustration of not being able to do the things you used to love. But humor and laughter can be powerful tools for managing stress and anxiety, and that’s where these memes come in.

These memes will have you chuckling at the absurdity of dislocating your shoulder while putting on a shirt, or nodding along in agreement at a meme about the joys of brain fog. And that laughter can be just what you need to boost your mood and remind you that you’re not alone in this.

So, let’s celebrate EDS and mental health awareness month with some much-needed humor and laughter. Sit back, relax, and get ready to LOL at these relatable EDS memes!

Is EDS is the Same as Being Double-Jointed?

Let’s get one thing straight, folks. EDS is not the same thing as being “double-jointed”. No, no, no, it’s not even close. It’s like comparing a bicycle to a spaceship. Sure, they both have wheels, but that’s about where the similarities end.

Being “double-jointed” is a term used to describe people who have a greater range of motion in their joints than the average person. It’s often used as a party trick or a fun fact to impress your friends. But EDS is a whole different ballgame.

When someone asks if EDS is the same as being double-jointed by grumpy cat
When someone asks if EDS is the same as being double-jointed

EDS is a complex genetic disorder that affects the connective tissues in your body. This can result in a wide range of symptoms, from joint hypermobility to chronic pain, fatigue, and even organ rupture. It’s not just a fun quirk, it’s a serious medical condition that requires proper diagnosis and treatment.

So, the next time someone tells you they think they might have EDS because they’re “double-jointed”, kindly explain to them that it’s not the same thing. And if they’re still not convinced, show them a picture of your dislocated knee or your stretchy skin. That should do the trick.

Importance of humor and laughter in coping with chronic illness

Let me tell you, laughter truly is the best medicine – especially when you have a chronic illness like EDS. It’s like a magical potion that can turn your pain and frustration into giggles and snorts.

Humor and laughter are essential tools for coping with chronic illness. When you’re dealing with pain and discomfort every day, it’s easy to get bogged down in a negative mindset. But when you can find humor in the absurdity of your situation, it’s like a ray of sunshine breaking through the clouds.

For example, have you ever tried explaining EDS to someone who’s never heard of it before? It’s like trying to teach a fish how to ride a bike. It’s absurd and frustrating, but if you can find the humor in the situation, it becomes a lot easier to handle.

And let’s not forget about the ridiculousness of some of the treatments and advice we receive. “Just try yoga!” they say, as if the downward dog will magically cure our joint pain. It’s so absurd that it’s hilarious.

Laughter is also a great way to connect with other people who are going through similar experiences. There’s something about sharing a joke or a meme about EDS that makes you feel like you’re part of a community.

So, if you’re dealing with a chronic illness like EDS, don’t forget to laugh. Find the humor in the situation, share a joke with a friend, or just watch a silly movie. It may not cure your symptoms, but it will make them more bearable.

May is EDS Awareness Month – What do You Think of These for New EDS Mascots?

When someone tells you to “just push through the pain.”

Because clearly, the best way to deal with chronic pain is to ignore it and pretend it’s not there. Why didn’t we think of that sooner?

EDS is an Invisible Illness text by black and white cat with large eyes
EDS is an Invisible Illness

If only it were that easy, right? Unfortunately, when you’re living with EDS, pushing through the pain is not always an option. Sometimes it’s all you can do just to get out of bed in the morning.

When someone suggests you just 'push through' EDS pain by while cat with super yellow eyes
When someone suggests you just ‘push through’ EDS pain

So, the next time someone tells you to “just push through the pain”, feel free to respond with a sarcastic eye-roll or a simple “thanks, I hadn’t thought of that.” Because let’s be real, if it were that simple, we wouldn’t be dealing with EDS in the first place.

When you're in so much pain that you can't even think straight by a cat looking like a platypus on the floor
When you’re in so much pain that you can’t even think straight
EDS Pain is like the stripes on
this cat – Unforgettable

33 new EDS memes that every EDSer can relate to

Attention all EDS warriors! Are you tired of feeling like the only one who can dislocate your hip while sneezing? Do you want to commiserate with others who understand the struggle of subluxations and fatigue? Well, you’re in luck because we’ve got 33 new EDS memes that will have you laughing and saying, “OMG, that’s so me!” – I had fun making them!

When You have EDS & someone suggests you try yoga to alleviate your symptoms with arms twisted into a pretzel like shape
When You have EDS & someone suggests you try yoga to alleviate your symptoms

These memes are the perfect way to express the frustrations and absurdities of living with EDS. Whether it’s a picture of a cartoon character with limbs dangling in every direction, or a witty caption about the joys of popping joints back into place, these memes will have you rolling on the floor (or at least rolling your eyes).

When you have to explain EDS to someone for the hundredth time
When you have to explain EDS to someone for the hundredth time

So, sit back, relax, and get ready to scroll through the funniest EDS memes on the internet. And remember, even though living with EDS can be tough, at least we can always count on a good laugh to get us through the day!

When You Are Asked if
EDS is Contagious

do people with EDS disclocate easily?

Oh, you mean like how a phone charger cord disconnects from the phone at the slightest tug? Yeah, that’s pretty much how it is for people with EDS and dislocations.

EDS; When You Dislocate
While Giving A Hug by 2 cats, one out of joint
EDS; When You Dislocate While Giving A Hug

It’s not just a matter of popping your shoulder back in place and carrying on with your day. No, no, no. With EDS, dislocations can happen at the drop of a hat (or a sneeze, or a yawn, or…you get the picture). And they can be excruciatingly painful, to say the least.

EDS: When your joints dislocate during a simple task by disjointed cat
EDS When your joints dislocate during a simple task

So, to answer the question, yes, people with EDS can indeed dislocate easily. It’s just one of the many joys of living with this condition. And if you ever need a visual aid to explain it to someone, just picture a ragdoll that’s been flung across the room a few too many times. That should do the trick.

When you're trying to sleep but your joints won't stop popping
When you’re trying to sleep but your joints won’t stop popping
When Your Joints Dislocate During a Simple Task by orange tabby cat out of joint
When Your Joints Dislocate During a Simple Task
When you have EDS & accidentally dislocate something in public by a white cat with bugged out eyes
When you have EDS & accidentally dislocate something in public
What did I do? Nothing... I was just walking to the bathroom by a cast with a cast on hind leg
What did I do? Nothing… I was just walking to the bathroom
When you're constantly worried about dislocating something

How Rare is EDS?

It’s so rare, in fact, that it’s almost like winning the lottery. Only instead of a big payout, you get a lifetime of chronic pain and other delightful symptoms.

When someone asks if EDS is a real condition by cat with huge eyes, staring at you
When Someone Asks if EDS is a Real Condition

But in all seriousness, EDS is actually quite rare. According to some estimates, it affects about 1 in every 5,000 people. That’s like finding a needle in a haystack, if the haystack were the size of a small country.

EDS is a Rare Genetic Disease….as Rare as This Cat

But just because it’s rare doesn’t mean it’s not a real condition. In fact, many people with EDS go undiagnosed for years because doctors aren’t familiar with the condition. So, if you do happen to come across someone with EDS, consider yourself lucky (or unlucky, depending on how you look at it) to have found a real-life unicorn in the medical world.

May is EDS Awareness Month

And if you ever need to explain how rare EDS is to someone, just tell them it’s like finding a four-leaf clover in a field of regular clovers. Or, you know, just show them your stretchy skin and hypermobile joints. That should do the trick.

When you finally understand EDS and realize
you’ve been living with it your whole life

Are there advantages to having EDS?

Advantages of having EDS, you say? Well, let’s see. We get to be good at dislocating our joints, which is a great party trick…if you’re into that kind of thing. And don’t forget about our superhuman ability to see and read well in the dark. Who needs night vision goggles when you have EDS?

And let’s not forget about our flexibility. We may not be able to touch our toes without dislocating something, but we can certainly contort our bodies into some pretty impressive positions. Yoga? Child’s play. Cirque du Soleil? Sign us up.

Advantages of Having EDS
Advantages of Having EDS

But in all seriousness, while there may be a few minor perks to having EDS, let’s not forget about the countless challenges and struggles that come along with it. Chronic pain, fatigue, and the constant fear of dislocating something are just a few of the not-so-fun aspects of living with this condition.

EDS Cat in a clear bin

So, to answer the question, no, there aren’t any true advantages to having EDS. But if you ever need to impress someone with your ability to read a book in pitch darkness or bend yourself into a pretzel, you know who to call.

EDS and being able to see in the dark like a cat
EDS and being able to see in the dark like a cat

What does the Zebra represent for eDS?

The official mascot of EDS. Because when you’re dealing with a rare and complex condition like EDS, why not choose an animal that’s equally rare and complex?

EDS ZEBRA WARRIOR over a white cat with zebra stripes on right foreleg

For those who don’t know, the zebra is used as a symbol for EDS because of an old saying in the medical community: “When you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras.” In other words, doctors are trained to look for the most common causes of a symptom or condition, rather than jumping to rare or exotic diagnoses.

The Perfect EDS Mas-CaT by a white cat with zebra-like stripes
The Perfect EDS Mas-CaT

But for those of us with EDS, we are the zebras in a world full of horses. We don’t fit neatly into the box of typical medical conditions, and we often have to fight tooth and nail for proper diagnosis and treatment.

So, the next time someone asks you why the zebra is the symbol for EDS, just tell them it’s because we’re rare and unique, just like the zebra. And if they still don’t get it, show them a picture of a zebra doing a backbend or a split. That should clear things up.

Conclusion of EDS Memes

In conclusion, EDS warriors are truly a force to be reckoned with. Despite the challenges and obstacles we face on a daily basis, we continue to push through and live our lives to the fullest.

After a Nap When You Have EDS

From incredible strength and resilience to an unwavering sense of humor and positivity, EDS warriors are truly amazing. And let’s not forget about their ability to laugh in the face of adversity and find joy in the little things.

I just woke up like this - Life With EDS
I just woke up like this – Life With EDS

So, to all the EDS warriors out there, I salute you. You are an inspiration to us all, and I am in awe of your unwavering spirit and determination. Keep on fighting, keep on laughing, and keep on being the amazing, incredible people you are.

In summary, humor and laughter can play a vital role in coping with the challenges of living with EDS. While it may not take away the pain or the physical limitations, finding joy and humor in everyday situations can help to lift one’s spirits and improve overall mental health.

When you're constantly AMAZED at how strong and resilient EDS WARRIORS are BY CAT stuffed into a bread box
When you’re constantly AMAZED at how strong and resilient EDS WARRIORS are

From sharing EDS memes with fellow warriors to finding humor in our own struggles, laughter can be a powerful tool in managing the emotional toll of living with chronic illness.

So, if you’re struggling with EDS or any other chronic condition, don’t be afraid to let a little humor and laughter into your life. It may not solve all your problems, but it can certainly make the journey a little bit easier and a lot more enjoyable.

Encouragement to share and enjoy these memes with fellow EDSers

Don’t keep the laughter to yourself – spread the joy and humor to those who understand what it’s like to live with this wacky condition. Whether it’s sending a meme to your EDS support group or sharing it with a fellow warrior who needs a good laugh, these memes are meant to be shared and enjoyed. Please let people know where they came from, because then I can create more! Thank you!

So, what are you waiting for? Get ready to bond over dislocated joints, chronic pain, and the hilariously absurd aspects of living with EDS. And who knows, maybe you’ll even make some new EDS friends along the way.


Want More? Read Meme Your Way to Better Self-Care: The Funniest self-care Memes Around because even more laughter is always better and One Myth, Two Myth, Mental Health Myths (in Dr. Seuss-like style) because, why not?

Support for people with EDS

Are you tired of Googling “Why do my joints feel like they’re made of rubber bands?” and only getting results about yoga? Look no further, fellow EDSers, because I’ve got three websites that will help you connect with others who understand the struggle of living with this zany condition.

Whether you want to learn more about EDS, connect with others in the community, or just have a good laugh at the absurdity of it all, these sites have got you covered. So, grab a heating pad, pop some painkillers, and get ready to explore the wacky world of EDS with these three hilarious and informative websites.

  1. The Ehlers-Danlos Society – https://www.ehlers-danlos.com/: This is the official website of the Ehlers-Danlos Society, which is a global organization that aims to improve the lives of those affected by EDS through research, advocacy, and education.
  2. EDNF – https://www.ednf.org/: The Ehlers-Danlos National Foundation is a non-profit organization that provides support and resources for people with EDS and other connective tissue disorders.
  3. Inspire – https://www.inspire.com/groups/ehlers-danlos-syndromes/: Inspire is an online community where people with EDS can connect, share their experiences, and find support from others who understand what it’s like to live with this condition.

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