53 Hilarious Anxiety Memes to Ease Your Mind

53 Hilarious Anxiety Memes to Ease Your Mind

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53 Hilarious Anxiety Memes to Ease Your Mind

Have you ever felt so frustrated, overwhelmed, and stressed that you needed a little pick-me-up to get your mind off it all? These 50 hilarious anxiety memes will get you laughing! With a wide variety sure to please everyone, this selection is guaranteed to put a smile on your face and give you a temporary break from any troubles looming in your mind. Take some time for yourself with these jokes, puns, and general silliness – after all, a dose of laughter really does work wonders in boosting your mood! So relax, lighten up, and enjoy the irresistible charm of these captivating mental health memes.

I came, I saw, I had anxiety…I left.

Why Can’t I Handle Being Around Other People?

It can be really hard for people with anxiety to feel comfortable around other people. Being surrounded by other people can make someone with anxiety extremely uncomfortable and tense. They might not want to talk or join conversations. This is because they’re worried they’ll make a mistake, or that what they say won’t be good enough. Anxiety also makes it difficult for them to concentrate in a busy environment.

It’s important to remember that these feelings are natural, and there are ways to manage them! Try talking to somebody with anxiety when they’re in an environment they feel comfortable in, like their home. It’s also helpful just to listen instead of trying to fix their worries.

Overview of Anxiety Memes

Mental health memes are an engaging way to spread awareness and combat stigma around mental health. These memes range from comedic to thoughtful, featuring humorous quotes and graphics that can help lighten the conversation. Even more importantly, they can be used as ice-breakers to get people talking about their mental challenges without fear of judgment or negative reactions.

Mental health memes help eliminate the isolation that comes with difficult emotions and allow individuals experiencing mental distress a safe space to share their stories with those who are going through similar struggles. Everyone can benefit from the wide variety of resources and coping mechanisms found in the meme community while providing support for those who struggle alone.

Back Off...I Have Enough to Deal With Today Without Having to Make Your Death Look Like an Accident!
Back Off…I Have Enough to Deal With Today Without Having to Make Your Death Look Like an Accident!

Why are Some Edgy Jokes Funny?

People find the jokes in memes so funny because they are relatable and their edgy nature brings the element of surprise. There is something really satisfying about being able to laugh at a situation or thought you wouldn’t dare to vocalize yourself. Meme jokes are usually framed with witty delivery that casts light on these ideas and allows them to be accepted jokingly when they normally wouldn’t be. Humor is subjective but these types of jokes bring out the inner delinquent in all of us, offering an escape hatch amid the mundanity of life.

Benefits of Using Anxiety Memes

Mental health memes provide an engaging and humorous way to express ideas about mental health. They are not only funny, but they can create awareness and understanding of a variety of mental illness topics. The use of memes in mental health helps normalize difficult conversations relating to illnesses such as depression, anxiety, and more. These conversations often become less daunting when people can relate to the humor found in the commentaries shared by other users about their experiences with mental illness.

The Human Body is 60% Water, So We Are Basically Just Cucumbers With Anxiety...So, I'm a Pickle in a Pickle! ~ Lori Ann Peterson
The Human Body is 60% Water, So We Are Basically Just Cucumbers With Anxiety…So, I’m a Pickle in a Pickle! ~ Lori Ann Peterson

Additionally, those who are struggling with various mental illnesses themselves may be able to express how they feel using these memes, which is helpful for building a sense of community and decreasing feelings of isolation that are common amongst many individuals suffering from these issues. Mental health memes provide an important positive impact on the conversation around mental health diagnoses.

I Think Too Much. I Think Ahead, I Think Behind, I Think Up, I Think Down, I Think About, I Think Around, I Think it over, I Think I Can't, I Think I Should, I Think I Could, I Think I Can, I Think...Therefore I Am.
I Think Too Much. I Think Ahead, I Think Behind, I Think Up, I Think Down, I Think About, I Think Around, I Think it over, I Think I Can’t, I Think I Should, I Think I Could, I Think I Can, I Think…Therefore I Am.

Why do People With Anxiety Have Trouble Shutting Off Their Minds?

People with anxiety often struggle to shut off their anxious thoughts because anxiety constantly tells them something bad is going to happen. The feeling of dread, fear or worry can be so strong that it prevents a person from being able to relax and clear their mind. People suffering from anxiety can become convinced that they are in danger and will have difficulty feeling secure.

This ongoing fear creates an internal battle that has the mind always searching for solutions and staying on alert for whatever could go wrong. This cycle keeps the mind stuck thinking, even when it’s time to wind down and rest, not giving the body a chance to recover from the stress and tension caused by anxiety.

Ok, Now Don't Go All OOH SQUIRREL! on Them!
Ok, Now Don’t Go All OOH SQUIRREL! on Them!

Why do People With Anxiety Start Talking Like Crazy Around Others?

Anxiety is a common emotional response to stress, and it can affect your behavior in different ways. One of the most common things people with anxiety do when they are around others is to start talking like crazy. This is because anxiety can cause them to feel overwhelmed, which leads them to blurt out their thoughts without thinking first. Unfortunately, this can be very uncomfortable for those around them.

If You Think I Talk All of the Time You Should be Inside My Head
If You Think I Talk All of the Time You Should be Inside My Head

When someone experiences extreme social anxiety, they might be so anxious that they fear criticism or ruminate on thoughts that increase their nervousness, resulting in rapid speech and endless chatter. Talking fast can also be seen as a way for people with anxiety to ease their tension and avoid awkward silences during conversations.

Me in Public: Don't Get Anxious. Don't Get Anxious. Don't Get...YEAH...THAT.
Me in Public: Don’t Get Anxious. Don’t Get Anxious. Don’t Get…YEAH…THAT.

Why Do I Get More Nervous When I Try to Calm Down?

Anxiety is a common emotional response to stress, and it can affect your behavior in different ways. One of the most common things people with anxiety do when they are around others is to start talking like crazy. This is because anxiety can cause them to feel overwhelmed, which leads them to blurt out their thoughts without thinking first.

Unfortunately, this can be very uncomfortable for those around them. When someone experiences extreme social anxiety, they might be so anxious that they fear criticism or ruminate on thoughts that increase their nervousness, resulting in rapid speech and endless chatter. Talking fast can also be seen as a way for people with anxiety to ease their tension and avoid awkward silences during conversations.

Don't Provoke Me...I Have a Problem For Every Quill
Don’t Provoke Me…I Have a Problem For Every Quill
1 Little, 2 Little, 3 Little Worries...If The Number Exists...I Can Find Worries to Match!
1 Little, 2 Little, 3 Little Worries…If The Number Exists…I Can Find Worries to Match!

Why Does My Anxious Brain Focus on Every Problem?

It can be incredibly frustrating when your anxious brain focuses on every problem no matter how big or small. It often leaves us feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and at a loss of what to do. Despite the struggle, understanding why this happens and identifying the root cause helps us to manage our anxious thoughts more effectively.

I Worry About Everything That Happened, Everything That is Happening, Everything That Will Happen. Everything.
I Worry About Everything That Happened, Everything That is Happening, Everything That Will Happen. Everything.

Often it is caused by an overthinking style of communication or persistent worrying that takes away your focus from positive sources like acceptance and gratitude. Learning to challenge irrational thinking patterns can also help, many mental health professionals advise doing this by asking questions such as, “What is the evidence for this thought?” as a way to slow down our reactions when we encounter problems and look at them objectively.

Every One of My Worries Has a Mama Bear
Every One of My Worries Has a Mama Bear

Why Does My Anxious Make Every Problem Seem Huge?

Anxiety can make it hard to keep things in perspective. It’s like having an ever-widening magnifying glass that focuses on one issue – so even a small setback looks really huge. When we’re anxious, it’s difficult to think clearly and weigh up the pros and cons of situations. We just feel overwhelmed with worry and it feels like no matter what we do, nothing will calm us down. That feeling can be really scary and even if the problem isn’t actually that big in reality, our anxious mind can’t help but feel like it is.

Hilarious Mental Health Memes

With imagery ranging from a cartoon dinosaur with a sad face to fun comic strips that make light of oxymorons in mental health, they give insight into the universal struggle of managing mental health. Everyone has something to relate to in these memes – some may find humor or encouragement in them, while others can use them to educate others about the severity and unique case-by-case elements of mental illness. Next time you are having an uninviting conversation about mental health, flick through images on your phone for some 50 hilarious mental health memes!

I Thought I Had Social Anxiety But I Just Don't Like People
I Thought I Had Social Anxiety But I Just Don’t Like People

Why Do People With Anxiety Seem to Not Like People?

People with anxiety often seem to not like people, but this isn’t because of anything wrong with the person they are with. It’s because anxiety can make it hard for someone to be around a lot of other people or in public places. When those situations happen, their minds and bodies get overwhelmed, so it may look like they don’t want to be around anyone. But that couldn’t be further from the truth – they just need some extra support and care in those moments.

When You Change The Way You Look At Things, The Things You Look at Change
When You Change The Way You Look At Things, The Things You Look at Change

When You Change The Way You Look At Things, The Things You Look at Change for People With Anxiety

When dealing with incidents of anxiety, sometimes it’s easy to forget that our thoughts can be changed. It’s amazing how much of a difference it can make to shift the way we view an anxious situation. By seeing an anxious moment as a challenge instead of an obstacle, we can help ourselves learn how to overcome our worries.

When people take a new perspective on anxiety, it allows them to realize that anxieties can be lessened or even conquered in some cases! Change the way you look at your anxieties and see how much better things look afterward!

I Have High Functioning Anxiety So I'm Really Good at Fooling People That I Don't Have Anxiety
I Have High Functioning Anxiety So I’m Really Good at Fooling People That I Don’t Have Anxiety

I Have High Functioning Anxiety So I’m Really Good at Fooling People That I Don’t Have Anxiety

Having high-functioning anxiety can be very tricky. It’s like living with a double-edged sword. On one hand, I’m able to put on a convincing ‘mask’, pretending that everything is alright, even when it isn’t. I know what I have to do in order to make people believe the lie – smile, maintain eye contact and keep my body language relaxed – so it’s natural for me; an old habit that sucks away my energy and mental resources.

On the other hand, it’s not all bad as it does have its advantages; like being able to handle situations that may otherwise overwhelm someone else because of my constant preparation for danger. Still though, no matter how good I am at fooling people into thinking there’s nothing wrong with me, deep inside I know that these hidden struggles are always lurking in the background of my life.

Despite Having No Evidence, My Brain is Convinced
Despite Having No Evidence, My Brain is Convinced

Why is it That Despite Having No Evidence, My Brain is Convinced?

It’s really crazy how our brains can convince us of something without any real proof! Anxiety is often the culprit here, as it overworks our imagination and tricks us into believing false assumptions. It wants us to think the worst and be on high alert at all times. As a result, we let our anxieties fuel us with irrational and sometimes far-fetched thoughts that we take as truth without concrete evidence to back them up. It’s important to check in with ourselves whenever these kinds of beliefs arise and ask – is this really true or am I just letting my anxiety get the best of me?

Me: What Could Go Wrong? Anxiety: I'm Glad You Asked...
Me: What Could Go Wrong? Anxiety: I’m Glad You Asked…
Me: I Never Have 2 Things to do! My Brain: Everything to Do. Got it! Me: Why Me? My Brain: Whine. Me: Wine. Me.
Me: I Never Have 2 Things to do! My Brain: Everything to Do. Got it! Me: Why Me? My Brain: Whine. Me: Wine. Me.

Why Does Anxiety Make My Brain Want to Stay Busy All of The Time?

Anxiety can be really hard to deal with, and sometimes it seems like your brain won’t stop coming up with things for you to do. It’s almost like our brains become extra busy when anxiety takes hold of us. Many people experience this same feeling, but understanding why can make it easier to cope with. It’s thought that when we are anxious, the part of our brain that helps us stay alert and focused starts working overtime.

We start to look for tasks or activities that give us a sense of control, which can make the anxious feelings better. Trying too many difficult tasks might just make us feel worse, so it’s important to find something that provides us with enough of a challenge without being overwhelming. The more we practice coping skills and manage our anxiety, the easier this thinking pattern becomes!

When I Leave a Room After I've Been Happy and Bubbly
When I Leave a Room After I’ve Been Happy and Bubbly

Why Does Anxiety Leave Me Drained After I’ve Acted Bubble and Happy for Others?

Many people suffer from anxiety, which can make it difficult to act happy for others. When faced with this challenge, it’s common to try and appear energized on the outside. But what happens on the inside is a different story! Deep down, these bubbly moments actually leave us feeling drained because

when we display emotions that are different from what we feel inside, it takes a lot of energy. This exhaustion oftentimes comes in the form of emotional and physical fatigue—it can be hard to explain if you haven’t experienced it yourself. Luckily, there are coping techniques people can use to help manage their anxiety and improve their overall well-being.

I'm Lonely...Nope. Not Doing It!
I’m Lonely…Nope. Not Doing It!

How Does a Person With Anxiety Balance Loneliness with Overwhelm From Being Around People?

Dealing with anxiety can be really tough. One of the big issues that people who have anxiety often face is balancing loneliness with feeling overwhelmed when they are around other people. It’s a tricky tightrope to walk, but there are some good strategies to help manage it. Mindfulness and self-care activities can be really helpful in managing stress levels, while hobbies and interests can add structure and fun to life.

Taking time out for yourself without guilt can help you recharge, as long as you make sure not to isolate too much. Talking to friends, family or even a professional about how you’re feeling can also lead to better coping strategies for moments when loneliness outshines overwhelm.

Clean as I Go? You Assume I Go.
Clean as I Go? You Assume I Go.

Why do Some People With Anxiety Have Exhaustion?

People with anxiety often feel exhausted. This is because experiencing anxiety can take a lot of energy! Anxiety causes the body to go into fight or flight mode, releasing chemicals that hop up the heart rate and send blood to the muscles so you can react quickly and defend yourself if needed. Although this reaction can be helpful in dangerous situations, it drains us of energy when it’s not being used for anything but worrying.

It’s like your body is running laps but never finishing; it just goes and goes until there’s nothing left. Getting enough sleep and having a healthy diet is important for dealing with anxiety-related exhaustion because they give our bodies what they need to restore their energy reserves. Taking breaks, practicing mindfulness, and getting help from friends or professionals when necessary can also help us cope with fatigue related to anxiety.

Some of My Anxieties Are High On A Shelf and Smack Me On The Top Of My Head When I Least Expect it
Some of My Anxieties Are High On A Shelf and Smack Me On The Top Of My Head When I Least Expect it

Why Do People With Anxiety Avoid Dealing With Things?

People with anxiety often find it difficult to address important things in their life, such as their health, relationships, or even their career. It can be terrifying to confront issues that could potentially have serious consequences. This fear of facing an uncertain outcome can lead to avoidance because it gives the person a sense of control and safety.

In addition, many people with anxiety feel like they are not capable of dealing with complicated problems and may also be afraid of failure. When faced with challenging situations they would rather hide by avoiding the issue altogether than risk being overwhelmed by it.

Anxiety Girl Jumps to the Worst Conclusion in a Single Bound!
Anxiety Girl Jumps to the Worst Conclusion in a Single Bound!

Why do People With Anxiety Jump to the Worst Scenario?

People with anxiety often jump to the worst possible scenario because of fear. Fear can bring out feelings of worry and doubt, so they automatically think the worst will happen. This is also known as “catastrophizing,” which is when someone thinks about what the worst case could be in any situation without considering other possibilities.

People deal with their anxieties by positioning themselves for this potentially bad outcome so that they can attempt to control it, even though doing so does not work. Though jumping to the worst conclusion may seem counter-productive, for some people it’s an instinctive reaction that takes over in times of stress and uncertainty.

When You Keep Waking Up Because You Are Worried About Waking Up In Time...
When You Keep Waking Up Because You Are Worried About Waking Up In Time…

Why Do I Keep Waking Up to Keep Checking the Clock?

Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night, feeling anxious and wondering what time it is? You might even find yourself reaching to grab your phone, just to check the time again. This can be an exhausting experience if it happens every night, especially since you’re feeling overwhelmed and unable to get back to sleep.

It’s likely that this kind of behavior originates from feelings of anticipation and worry, meaning that your anxiety has a role in influencing your actions. To help quiet those anxieties so that you can rest better at night, try talking with a therapist or summarizing any worries in a journal before sleeping.

Me: Trying to Sleep My Brain: HI!
Me: Trying to Sleep My Brain: HI!
So if My Brain is Trying to Keep me Alive Why am I Stressing About How my Socks Missed The Laundry Basket?
So if My Brain is Trying to Keep me Alive Why am I Stressing About How my Socks Missed The Laundry Basket?

So if My Brain is Trying to Keep me Alive Why am I Stressing About How my Socks Missed The Laundry Basket?

Have you ever noticed that the little things seem to consume your thoughts more than the important matters? We all go through our days trying to live life and make it as meaningful as possible, yet when it comes to trivial tasks, even a small stumble can feel like a monumental disaster. For example, why does missing a laundry basket with your socks send you spiraling into worry or frustration?

If your brain is focused on keeping you alive, then why does this incident take precedence? In truth, it’s because these everyday worries help us stay alert and active in the present moment. Even though we are meant to keep pressing forward, sometimes the simplest tasks can help ground us in reality.

My Mind - A Whirling Tornado
My Mind – A Whirling Tornado

Jokes & Puns for Mental Health

Experiencing the joy of laughter can have an uplifting effect, allowing us to view our problems from a lighter perspective and improving our ability to cope with them. Studies have found that good mental health is linked to actively engaging in activities such as telling jokes or making puns, so why not make it a daily practice? It’s easy, fun, and beneficial – what more could you ask for?

If Overthinking Burned Calories I'd Be Dead
If Overthinking Burned Calories I’d Be Dead

Does Thinking Burn Calories? Can Overthinking Burn More?

Have you ever heard that thinking can burn calories? It may seem a bit unbelievable, but it turns out that we can actually burn some extra calories just by using our brains! It’s true – when we’re engaged in complex thinking or problem-solving activities, our brains actually require increased energy, which comes from the calories we consume. While the amount of calories burned while thinking isn’t very much, overthinking and stressing can lead to burning even more.

This occurs because when our minds are continuously processing information and mulling over serious issues or challenges, our bodies use more energy than resting or casual thinking. So although you won’t lose weight just by thinking, it helps to be aware that just by engaging your brain in intense thought, you could potentially be burning some extra calories!

Relax? What's That?
Relax? What’s That?
In My House: Everyone Has Anxiety so we Fight Over Who Has to Call for Pizza
In My House: Everyone Has Anxiety so we Fight Over Who Has to Call for Pizza

Why is it Hard to Talk on the Phone When You Have Anxiety?

In my house, everyone has anxiety and it can be hard to come together to do small things like order pizza. We end up arguing over who must finally make the call. It’s not just calling a pizza place – it’s talking on the phone, in general, that’s difficult! It makes our heart race, and our hands sweat and it brings up all kinds of worries we’ve been dealing with for years.

Luckily, technology offers us so many alternatives now. We don’t always have to pick up the phone and face fear. At least I know that my family isn’t alone when it comes to feeling anxious about talking on the phone.

I've Got 99 Problems - Anxiety is Like...All of Them.
I’ve Got 99 Problems – Anxiety is Like…All of Them.

Uplifting Messages & Quotes for Mental Health

Mental health is an incredibly important factor in life. Uplifting messages and quotes are proven to be extremely helpful in boosting mental health. Interacting with positive messages can help to shift your mindset, provide motivation, and encourage higher self-esteem. These messages and quotes provide the power to make a difference in your outlook on yourself and your life; they can motivate you to take positive action that results in a healthier lifestyle.

There is Hope Even When Your Brain Says There Isn't ~ John Green
There is Hope Even When Your Brain Says There Isn’t ~ John Green

Whether it’s encouraging self-love or getting ready to face a new challenge, uplifting quotes can imply more than just passing wisdom – they offer newfound strength and hope for whatever issue you’re trying to resolve. By evaluating the right words of affirmation, you can make progress on difficult problems in life. There is no greater satisfaction than finding mental peace and limitlessness through a few simple sentences here and there!

Failure is a Life Lesson Cloaked in Emotion ~ Lori Ann Peterson
Failure is a Life Lesson Cloaked in Emotion ~ Lori Ann Peterson
It's Okay to Have a Bad Day
It’s Okay to Have a Bad Day

Lighthearted Illustrations & Images for Mental Health

Recently, lighthearted illustrations and images are becoming increasingly popular for discussing mental health. These illustrations and images can bring joy to those dealing with difficult issues such as stress, fear, and depression by putting a positive spin on what can otherwise be seen as a bleak situation.

Whether through cartoons of people living with anxiety or creating a more whimsical visualization of depression, these visuals have the power to help people take charge of their emotional well-being while still having fun. Lighthearted illustrations and images can remind people struggling with mental health that they don’t need to feel burdened by their conditions and that it is possible to laugh even in the darkest of times.

Sorry, I've Been Busy...With What if? Buts and Why?
Sorry, I’ve Been Busy…With What if? Buts and Why?

Why Causes Me to Stop Talking to People for Long Periods?

When I stop talking to people for long periods of time, it is usually because I’m feeling very overwhelmed and anxious. It’s not that I don’t want to talk to my friends, but rather, an urge comes over me to keep thoughts and feelings inside of myself. This urge can become so strong that I feel like it is impossible to communicate with anyone else.

But this isn’t healthy, as keeping all your feelings inside can lead you down a dark path. By focusing on self-care, like taking deep breaths or going for a walk outside in nature, I can slowly gain the courage and energy to reach out and start talking again.

I'm Pretty...Pretty Anxious
I’m Pretty…Pretty Anxious
Me: Trying Not to Think with images of unicorns dancing with the stars, wearing sunglasses, dancing and  peeking over a rainbow
Me: Trying Not to Think
Keep Calm and - Stop. You Lost Me At Keep Calm.
Keep Calm and – Stop. You Lost Me At Keep Calm.

Can People With Anxiety Learn to Keep Calm?

It can be challenging to stay calm when you have an anxiety disorder, but it is possible to learn how. By using relaxation tools such as deep breathing or mindful meditation, people with anxiety can get better at managing their panic and fear in overwhelming moments. It’s also important to create a calming environment by turning off technology and any other distractions before trying to relax.

Lastly, engaging in activities that help to cultivate inner peace such as yoga or journaling can help deal with anxiousness. With dedicated effort and patience, people with anxiety can learn to keep calm and lead more peaceful lives.

Simple Steps to Calm Down

Tips for Finding Anxiety Memes

Finding the brightness of the day can be hard during some mental health moments, but memes can provide a much-needed lighthearted break. If you’re looking for some humor to uplift you, utilizing sites like Twitter and Instagram is a great way to go. In addition to those two, try perusing Reddit, 9GAG, and Quick Meme for plenty of laughter-inducing images you’ll want to share with friends.

Curating your own mental health meme list doesn’t have to be difficult– simply head over to each site and start liking what catches your eye! Not only are mental health memes fun ways to pass time, but they can also provide an important reminder: no matter what’s going on inside your head or in life, it’s OK to laugh a little too.

Hold This Let Me Show You How to Overthink

Search by Relevant Keywords for Anxiety and Mental Health Memes

Mental health and anxiety are valid issues that many people face, so it’s important to recognize and talk about them. Memes can be used as a medium to spread awareness, start conversations, and increase self-compassion and understanding. Appropriate keywords for mental health and anxiety memes could include words like ‘self-care’, ‘self-love’, ‘support’, ‘resilience’, ‘courage’, ‘encouragement’ – anything that speaks to a shared experience!

Such keywords will help identify memes that have the positive purpose of promoting mental wellness. Furthermore, the use of mental health and anxiety-related keywords would attract those searching for ways to cope while also providing comfort to those in distress.

Somebody: No Problem! My Brain: Not Yet...
Somebody: No Problem! My Brain: Not Yet…

Follow Mental Health Pages & Accounts on Social Media

If you’re looking for support and advice to help manage your mental health, following relevant accounts and pages on social media is a great place to start. Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest are all chock full of mental health pages, many of which specifically share memes focused on comfort and insight related to anxiety.

For instance, consider following @anxietyreliefhub on TikTok, My Straight Jacket, Funny in the Head, or Stand Up For Mental Health. Whether funny, insightful, or thought-provoking these types of accounts are an excellent way for those with anxious minds to feel connected to others who understand their struggles and find humor in their conditions as well!

Sorry, I've Been Busy
Sorry, I’ve Been Busy
Person to Me: You're Amazing! My Brain: You're A Maze - Zing!
Person to Me: You’re Amazing! My Brain: You’re A Maze – Zing!

How to Create Mental Health and Anxiety Memes 

Creating memes offers an expression of feelings in a visual form that resonates with them. You can create them with a free account on Canva or you can use PicMonkey or Photoshop. To create your memes, start by collecting some powerful images that allow you to highlight key messages related to your topic.

Consider pairing the image with short yet powerful words or phrases that draw attention. You may even want to consider adding funny elements that convey serious points humorously. After selecting your image and text, share it on social media using relevant hashtags so more people can join the conversation.

You Haven't Heard From Me In 3 Months? Sounds Like Me
You Haven’t Heard From Me In 3 Months? Sounds Like Me

Final Reminder to Take Time to Relax and Laugh

Taking time to relax and laugh is one of the most important ways to keep yourself healthy, both physically and mentally. In all of our daily hustle and bustle, we often forget the importance of relaxation time for ourselves. It’s vital for your overall well-being to make sure that you are taking regular breaks throughout the day and focusing on having some fun or relieving some stress. Not only does it refresh your brain for more productive tasks, but also it can prevent future health problems from occurring.

This Probably Happened Because I Didn't Forward That Email to 10 People
This Probably Happened Because I Didn’t Forward That Email to 10 People

Try scheduling a few minutes each day to take a break from whatever it is you’re doing and laugh! Laughing releases endorphins which are known to improve mood and overall mental health. So don’t forget to take the opportunity regularly to kick back and enjoy life—your mind and body will thank you later!

To Someone With Anxiety, the Biggest Swear Phrase is What If?
To Someone With Anxiety, the Biggest Swear Phrase is What If?
How Do People Wake Up Bubbly?

When I Wake Up I Am Crabby

Waking up grumpy is no fun. I always feel like I am having a bad day because I start off so grouchy. Usually, it takes me a while to shake off my grumpiness and be in a better mood. Fortunately, there are some tricks that can help me when this happens. I try to take deep breaths, close my eyes for a couple of moments, or turn on some upbeat music to get me energized for the day. It usually works out for me and helps me switch from my grouchy morning mood to being happy and ready to take on the day!

Me After A Nap
Me After A Nap

Why Are People With Anxiety Still Tired After a Nap?

People with anxiety often find that a nap doesn’t cut it when they need more energy and alertness. While a nap may refresh them temporarily, they still feel drained or tired afterward. This is because anxiety can be both mentally and physically exhausting. The feelings of worry or fear associated with anxiety can cause strain on the body, leading to fatigue even after sleeping.

Additionally, an anxious mind creates a body feeling tense and restless, affecting your quality of sleep and leaving you feeling just as exhausted as when you first started. Fortunately, there are many ways to help diminish those anxious thoughts which can lead to more restful nights and less post-nap fatigue.

So, You Think I Can Just Shut The Worry Off?
So, You Think I Can Just Shut The Worry Off?

How Can People With Anxiety Shut the Worry Off?

It can be tricky to shut off feelings of worry if you have anxiety, but there are some things that can help. One tactic is mindfulness, which focuses on being present at the moment and accepting what is happening around you. The idea is to not focus on the worrying thoughts, but instead accept them and understand that they do not need to control you.

It’s also important to practice healthy self-care, like exercising regularly and taking breaks when possible. Finally, seek help from a professional who can provide more advanced techniques for making sure anxious thoughts don’t spiral out of control. With these strategies, people with anxiety can learn how to better manage their feelings and gain a sense of peace.

Conspiracy Theorist? No, My Body Just Conspires Against Me.
Conspiracy Theorist? No, My Body Just Conspires Against Me.
If You're Happy and You Know it.
If You’re Happy and You Know it.

Call to Action to Share The Mental Health Memes With Others

We can all have a part to play in reducing the stigma around mental health and one of the best ways to do this is by sharing relevant mental health memes with others. Memes provide a powerful platform for spreading important messages about mental wellness, and by helping to get these messages out, we are promoting much-needed education on the subject and challenging preconceived notions. So put your creativity to good use! Find poignant yet humorous ways to contribute to this movement, take a stand against stigmas, and share them with others—let’s get rid of the darkness in our society once and for all!

Me Fixing My Mental Health
Me Fixing My Mental Health

Want more? 25 Best Websites for Mental Health for Kids and Adults because it is always a good idea to have mental health sites in your back pocket. The Top 17 TED Talks For Anxiety because being armed with more information about anxiety is always good, and 50 Strategies to Overcome Challenging Emotions With an Anxiety Journal because a guided meditation journal helps you learn with a tool.


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